Other international education data and research

External information on international students studying in Australia or in other countries is available below.

On this page:

Student visa grants in Australia, Canada, UK, and USA

The COVID-19 pandemic influenced a decline in student visa grants in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the USA between 2019 and 2020.

Time series of student visa grants since 2019 in these four countries are provided below.

Month 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jan 37006 34439 16098 25529 44087 33826
Feb 33790 26777 15790 25309 42034
Mar 29791 19685 18223 21682 40263
Apr 24181 11404 14734 17565 30980
May 32131 13167 14628 27613 46516
Jun 34150 13549 14124 31848 49366
Jul 34438 15923 14599 35093 37450
Aug 29234 18781 11793 33499 29963
Sep 25493 14928 9963 21119 21111
Oct 27312 18010 8925 22775 23749
Nov 27595 17733 13146 53353 31294
Dec 26767 15490 20819 77257 24903
Month 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jan 28885 25205 27475 38105 40945 51820
Feb 15535 11460 18605 24805 22160
Mar 20060 10940 22460 25335 27815
Apr 31975 18580 30785 44250 75370
May 27745 30130 25880 34610 34475
Jun 23700 15625 29075 32315 38985
Jul 32450 12980 39065 36350 53710
Aug 112330 39340 97130 125835 178445
Sep 43575 54360 70630 64660 69055
Oct 14875 14775 27050 24295 25685
Nov 12500 14695 20600 22980 29350
Dec 49520 24350 53695 95620 109310
Month 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Mar Qtr 230181 278477 225582 393000 477931
Jun Qtr 239271 237898 249645 405779 498626
Sep Qtr 261512 158824 382661 476389 486107
Dec Qtr 268674 209827 375999 485758 457673
Month 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jan 18248 16506 9687 14495 15545 17305
Feb 7098 5896 4108 7687 7046
Mar 9003 3571 5472 9147 10116
Apr 14858 102 8226 13547 24992
May 47591 205 39082 37939 44090
Jun 79983 781 78704 93522 106646
Jul 87544 10545 98685 95879 102193
Aug 44807 16249 61304 56666 56977
Sep 9038 7149 12775 10147 9352
Oct 8443 8471 13109 8874 9051
Nov 14547 13126 27550 24243 19072
Dec 31306 23168 37222 42237 43558

External sources by country


Department of Education

Higher Education Statistics

The Department of Education manages the Higher Education Statistics Collection which provides data relating to domestic and international students studying in Australian higher education institutions.

Department of Home Affairs

Student Visa Statistics

The Department of Home Affairs publishes quarterly and annual reports which provide data about Australia's Student Visa Program. These reports incorporate data on student visa applications lodged and student visas granted.

Student Visa Statistics (Pivot Tables)

These pivot tables provide data on student visa applications lodged and student visas granted in the current and previous financial year.

Temporary Entrants in Australia (Stock Data) Statistics

The Department of Home Affairs publishes quarterly reports on the number and composition of temporary entrants and New Zealand citizens present in Australia at a particular date, including student visa holders.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

NCVER is an independent body responsible for collecting, managing and analysing national VET statistics and survey data that cover both domestic and international students studying in Australian public VET institutions.

English Australia

English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)

English Australia is the national peak body for the ELICOS sector and publishes data on international ELICOS students in Australia on student visas and other visa types.


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

Temporary Residents: Study Permit Holders – Monthly IRCC Updates

Study permit holders by country of citizenship and year in which the permit(s) became effective.

New Zealand

Education Counts

International students in New Zealand

Education Counts is an official government source of information about international students studying in NZ. It includes international students’ progression through the New Zealand education system, their academic achievement, support provided for international students and international students’ experiences in New Zealand. It also includes information of graduate employment outcomes and graduates ongoing links to New Zealand as alumni.

Education New Zealand (ENZ)


ENZ is the lead government agency for the promotion and representation of New Zealand education. The IntelliLab is a comprehensive information resource on international students studying at higher education institutions in New Zealand.


Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

Higher Education institutions data

HESA is the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education in the UK, including domestic and international students at higher education institutions.

Home Office of the United Kingdom

Immigration statistics quarterly release

The Home Office publishes quarterly and annual statistics relating to the issuances of visas to individuals intending on studying in the UK.

UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)

Latest international annual data

UKCISA serves the interests of international students and all who work with them in universities, colleges and students' unions and collates research and statistics from a variety of sources.


Institute for International Education (IIE)

Open Doors

IIE provides a comprehensive information resource on international students studying at higher education institutions in the United States, and US students studying abroad for academic credit at their home institutions.

U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs

Monthly Non-immigrant Visa Issuance Statistics

The Bureau of Consular Affairs publishes monthly statistics relating to the issuances of visas to individuals intending on studying in the USA.


UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)

Online Data Centre

UIS’s online data centre gives access to data and tools to build customised statistical tables.

Global Flow of Tertiary Level Students

UIS provides interactive graphical access to UIS data on international student mobility.


Education at a Glance

Education at a Glance

On 12 September 2023, the OECD released Education at a Glance 2023, a report that highlights Australia’s performance in educational delivery and outcomes in comparison with other 37 OECD member countries and some partner countries. It covers early childhood education, school, vocational education and training (VET) and higher education. This year’s report focuses on the VET theme, while also covering other parts of the education system. The report shows that Australia’s primary to tertiary education system is well-funded by international standards, and its tertiary education system continues to perform well above the OECD average in delivering high levels of participation and attainment and strong labour market outcomes.

Australia country note

The Australia Country Note provides an overview of the key characteristics of the education system in Australia. It draws on data from Education at a Glance 2023 report.

Online Education Database

A developing database of statistics developed by OECD, including the indicators published in Education at a Glance.

Education Policy Outlook

Education Policy Outlook

The OECD publishes an Education Policy Outlook each year which monitors the evolution of policy priorities and policy developments across OECD participants worldwide. This includes a comparative analysis and highlights best practice examples together with what can be improved over time.

OECD Education Policy Outlook – Country Profile: Australia 2023

The OECD also publish Education Policy Outlook country profiles which review a selected country’s education system and examine its challenges and policy responses according to six policy levers.

OECD Education Policy Outlook – Country Profile: Australia 2013

Australia participated in the inaugural suite of Education Policy Outlook country profiles in 2013.

Project Atlas

Project Atlas

Project Atlas collects and reports accurate, timely and comprehensive data on global student mobility.