Integrated Data Research

The Integrated Data Analytics section provides high quality, policy relevant and responsive integrated data analyses to support a broad range of policy areas.

The team also leads the department's contribution to the Person‑Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA) and other whole-of-government integrated data initiatives.

Integrated Data Research

The department undertakes research projects to improve the well-being of Australians using:

  • Integrated and longitudinal data, particularly through the Person-Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA)
  • Cross-portfolio engagement
  • Academic collaborations
Integrated Data Research

Current projects

The team is currently working on projects listed below.

Education, Skills and Employment National Data Asset (ESENDA)

Provides an evidence-base to support Australia’s economic prosperity and social wellbeing by identifying opportunities to drive better outcomes for people, through education, skills and employment pathways

The First Five Years: What makes a difference?

  • Identifies policy levers across early childhood education, health and welfare for improving children’s start to life
  • Aims to understand the effects of health and socio-economic factors that drive developmental vulnerability in children starting school
  • Identifies particular interventions or protective factors that can improve these outcomes