Selected Higher Education Statistics – 2022 Student data

The Higher Education student data collection encompasses enrolments, equivalent full time student load (unit of study data) and completions, and is reported by all Higher Education Providers.

On this page:

Full Year Data (as at 30 October 2023)

Key Findings

2022 Key Findings

Visual Analytics

PowerBI reports containing 2022 Student data will be released in late January 2024.

Pivot Tables

Student Enrolments Pivot Table

Student Load Pivot Table

Award Course Completions Pivot Table

Information and Excel Tables

2022 Student summary tables

2022 Student summary time series

2022 Section 1 - Commencing students

2022 Section 2 - All students

2022 Section 3 - Commencing student load

2022 Section 4 - All student load

2022 Section 5 - Liability status categories

2022 Section 6 - First Nations students

2022 Section 7 - Overseas students

2022 Section 8 - Special courses

2022 Section 9 - Ethnicity related data

2022 Section 10 - Open Universities Australia

2022 Section 11 - Equity groups

2022 Section 12 - Academic organisational units

2022 Section 13 - Private Universities (Table C) and Non-University Higher Education Institutions

2022 Section 14 - Award course completions

2022 Section 15 - Attrition, retention and success

2022 Section 16 – Equity performance data

A note about 2020 Higher Education Equity and Equity Performance Data

During the transition to the Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) System, enrolment numbers for students with disability were substantially under-reported in the case of several universities. This issue affects data in Section 11, Section 16 and some Visual Analytics products. Caution should be taken when using the 2020 enrolment data points for students with disability. All other time points are unaffected.