Student Data

The Higher Education student data collection encompasses enrolments, equivalent full-time student load (unit of study data) and completions, and includes all Higher Education Institutions that have been approved under the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

On this page:

Selected Higher Education Statistics - 2022 Student data are expected to be published January 2024.

Data reported from the student collection include:

  • Course information including level, field of education and special course flag;
  • Age (date of birth);
  • Gender;
  • Citizenship;
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander indicator;
  • Location of term residence;
  • Location of permanent home residence;
  • Basis for admission to course;
  • Type of attendance (full-time / part-time);
  • Mode of attendance (internal, external, multi-modal);
  • Country of birth;
  • Language spoken at home;
  • Year of arrival in Australia;
  • Language spoken at home;
  • Tertiary entrance score;
  • Equity data (Disability, Low-SES, NESB, Women in non-traditional areas, Regional/Remote);
  • Highest educational attainment prior to commencement; and
  • Award course completions

Further details on student data elements reported by Higher Education Institutions are published on the TCSIwebsite

1992 to 2003 - Archived.

For further information please contact