Finance Publication

Financial Reports of Higher Education Providers - contains financial information including financial performance, financial position and cash flows for higher education providers derived from institutions financial statements.

On this page:

Visual Analytics

The Department publishes University finance data through visual analytics using Microsoft Power BI. Basic instructions outlining the functionality of these reports can be found in the Brief Guide to Visual Analytics Using Power BI.

Brief Guide to Visual Analytics Using Power BI

2022 Finance Publication and Tables in Power BI

Information and Tables

2022 Finance Publication and Tables

2022 University Finance Publication Summary Information

Previous years Finance Publications and Tables

Overview of series

This series – Finance: Financial Reports of Higher Education Providers contains financial information compiled from annual financial reports prepared by Australian universities as at 31 December each year.

The Tables presented comprise Adjusted Statement of Financial Performance, Adjusted Statement of Financial Position, Adjusted Changes in Equity and Comprehensive Income and Adjusted Statement of Cash Flows for each higher education provider.