HELP Communications Working Group Meeting 15 July 2021 Highlights & Action Items


The key actions arising from this meeting were the provision of relevant links to information that was shared.

These have been incorporated below under each of the key topic areas.

HELP Communications Working Group

After a 12 month break the working group has recommenced on a quarterly basis. The next working group will be held from 14:00 – 15:00 on Wednesday 13 October 2021. Details to register will be sent closer to time.

FEE-HELP loan fee exemption extension:

  • Following the Higher Education Support Amendment (Extending the Student Loan Fee Exemption) Act 2021 receiving Royal Assent on 24 June 2021, the FEE-HELP loan fee exemption has been extended for a further 6 months, from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2021.
    • The Government originally waived loan fees for FEE-HELP and VSL loans from 1 April 2020 to 30 September to support students and providers financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The exemption was later extended for a further
      9 months until 30 June 2021.
    • This measure extends the exemption for FEE-HELP loan fees only to the end of 2021.
    • From 1 January 2022 a 20 per cent loan fee will apply.

Website Links for further information:

HELP eligibility extended for former permanent humanitarian visa holders

  • The Education Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 2) Act 2021 that received Royal Assent on 24 June 2021, extends HELP eligibility to include eligible former permanent humanitarian visa holders for units of study commencing on or after 1 January 2022.
    • This is intended to ensure permanent humanitarian visa holders who travel outside of Australia after the travel component of their visa has expired retain their HELP eligibility, when they return on a different permanent visa.
    • The Minister for Education and Youth will issue a determination later this year, outlining which visa subclasses are eligible for HELP, where the visa holder formerly held a permanent humanitarian visa that was not cancelled.
    • Once the determination has been made by the Minister, higher education providers and students will be informed of the eligible visa classes through the usual communication processes.

Website Links for further information:

Unique Student Identifier (USI) update:

  • Release on 23 May 2021 included search functionality using a verified USI in myHELPbalance and Phase 1 USI verification through TCSI for higher education and VSL providers.
    • A USI verification factsheet was sent to providers registered for TCSI website updates. See link below to the USI factsheet information.  
    • Phase 2 roll-out information will be circulated in the coming weeks.
    • USI verification differs between eCAF and TCSI, which we are currently working to address.

Website Links for further information:

Up-front Payments Tuition Protection:

  • From 1 January 2021, Government’s Tuition Protection Service (TPS) has been extended to domestic higher education students who pay their course fees upfront at private higher education providers.
  • This follows the extension of the TPS in 2020 to domestic students at private education providers who pay their student contribution amounts and/or tuition fees using VSL,
    HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP loans.
  • In the event that a provider defaults (ceases delivering their course or closes entirely) and does not assist their affected students, the TPS steps in to provide assistance to support tertiary students

Website Links for further information:

HELP student publication-polling question results

About 80 per cent of those who responded to the poll said they would find it useful if DESE provided digital HELP loan brochures that providers could print out and distribute to students. The majority felt an A4 factsheet format would be best.