Step 3: Choose an agreement type (for Research and Licence Agreements only)

For Research and/or Licence Agreements: the Framework provides agreement templates in two ‘tracks’. Use the information below to help you decide whether to use a Standard (standard track) or Accelerated (accelerated track) agreement template for your project.

For all other agreements: go to Step 4: Agreement Template and Guidance Materials.

On this page:

Should I use the Standard or Accelerated Agreement?

For Research Agreements

The following factors should be considered by both the university and the industry partner when deciding between using the Accelerated or Standard Research Agreement.

When performing this consideration, parties may need to seek independent advice or further information from the other party before being able to make an informed judgement.

Note: An Accelerated Research Agreement is only recommended in circumstances when both parties have a preference to use an Accelerated Research Agreement.

Where both parties cannot decide which Agreement is appropriate, it is recommended that the parties use the Standard Research Agreement.

For Licence Agreements

The following factors should be considered by both the university and the industry partner when determining if they should proceed under an accelerated or standard non-exclusive licence agreement.

When performing this consideration, parties may need to seek independent advice or seek further information from the other party before being able to make a clear judgement.

Please note that an accelerated non-exclusive agreement is only recommended in circumstances when both parties determine a preference for an accelerated agreement. Where both parties come to different conclusions, it is recommended that negotiations proceed under the standard licence agreement.