HERC IP Framework Advisory Committee

A HERC IP Framework Advisory Committee has been established to advise the Department of Education and provide governance over the Framework.

On this page:

The Committee will advise the Department on a range of issues, including the Framework’s implementation, usage, and any changes and updates required to ensure that the Framework is fit for purpose. The Committee is comprised of experts from across the higher education, industry and government sectors.

The Committee will support the Department by providing advice on behalf of each sector, collecting information on the uptake of the Framework and promoting the use of the Framework and other innovative IP frameworks.

Central to the Committee’s work will be the planned third-party review, scheduled to commence in the second half of 2023. The Committee will support the development of the terms of the review and advise the department on outcomes produced. 

The Committee held its inaugural meeting in March 2023 and will meet on a quarterly basis.

You can now view the Terms of Reference of the Framework Advisory Committee.

Please contact the Department at hercip@education.gov.au with any inquiries.