The National Priorities Pool Program (NPPP)

The National Priorities Pool Program (NPPP) provides funding to Table A higher education providers to conduct research projects and trial initiatives to inform equity policy development and practice nationally and at an institutional level.

On this page:

Previously, the NPPP was a component of the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) and known as the National Priorities Pool (NPP).

Under the Indigenous, Regional and Low-SES Attainment Fund (IRLSAF), the NPPP is now a standalone program.

The objectives of the National Priorities Pool Program are to:

  • inform future equity policy development and equity practice nationally and at an institutional level;
  • help increase the number of persons from a low socio-economic status (SES) background, persons from regional areas and remote areas, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons who aspire to, access, participate in, remain in, and succeed in higher education; and
  • help increase the number of persons from a low SES background, persons from regional areas and remote areas, and Indigenous persons who obtain higher education awards.

The legislative basis for the operation of the National Priorities Pool Program is the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) and the Higher Education Support (Other Grants) Guidelines 2022.

Current funded projects

Currently, two NPPP projects are being funded:

Centring the Voices of Harder to Reach Under-Represented and Disadvantaged Cohorts

To capture the voices and lived experience of under-represented and disadvantaged cohorts who are less likely to engage in traditional consultation mechanisms, or require reasonable adjustments in order to engage, for the purpose of informing the Accord Panel as part of their consultation process.

Targeted Review of Student Equity in Higher Education Programs and System Level Policy Levers

To support the Universities Accord process through a targeted review of student equity in higher education, including an examination of higher education equity funding and broader policy levers.

Seeking Expression of Interest (EOIs) for 2022 National Priorities Pool Program projects

(Under consideration)

Previous funded projects

National Priorities Pool Program projects – 2021

For projects funded through the National Priorities Pool in previous years see Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP).