National Priorities Pool Program 2023

The Department commissioned the following projects in 2023 under the National Priorities Pool Program. For further information about these projects, please contact the relevant universities directly.

On this page:

Specified national projects for 2023


Project name

2023 Funding

Curtin University

Centring the Voices of Harder to Reach Under-Represented and Disadvantaged Cohorts

The National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) at Curtin University has been commissioned to undertake this project to support the Universities Accord process. This project will capture the voices and lived experience of under-represented and disadvantaged cohorts who are less likely to engage in traditional consultation mechanisms, or require reasonable adjustments in order to engage, for the purpose of informing the Accord Panel as part of their consultation process.


University of Queensland

Targeted Review of Student Equity in Higher Education Programs and System Level Policy Levers

The Institute for Social Science Research at the University of Queensland has been commissioned to support the Universities Accord Process. This project is a high-level national review of student equity in higher education, examining the student equity ecosystem, current student outcomes, higher education equity funding, and
