HEPPP Evaluation

In 2016 the Department commissioned ACIL Allen Consulting, in partnership with Wallis Consulting Group, to evaluate the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP).

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The evaluation report is available HEPPP Evaluation Final Report.

The evaluation found that the HEPPP has provided wide ranging support to a large number of students and institutions between 2010 and 2015.

  • Some 2,679 projects were implemented at the 37 eligible universities.
  • Over 310,000 students have participated in HEPPP projects, with additional students supported in schools and other institutions.
  • At least 2,913 partner organisations participated in HEPPP outreach activities.
  • More than 40 per cent of projects and expenditure have been targeted at assisting low SES students transition into, engage with and progress through university.
  • Around 40 per cent of projects have worked with external partners, usually schools, to increase low SES applications to, offers from and commencements at university.

The remaining HEPPP activity includes projects that have focused on pathways to university, the admissions process, transitioning out of university and research to improve the effectiveness and impact of low SES equity practices in higher education.