The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP)

The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) is an expert statutory advisory body, established under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), with responsibility related to the standards for delivery of higher education in Australia.

Role and responsibilities

The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) provides independent advice to the Minister(s) responsible for tertiary education and research.

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Higher Education Standards Framework

The Higher Education Standards Framework Threshold Standards sets the standards that a provider must meet and continue to meet to be registered to operate as a higher education provider in Australia.

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The HESP membership

The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) is a legislative advisory body under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011, with responsibility related to the standards applying in higher education in Australia.

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Previous HESP projects

Find out what projects have been undertaken periodically to keep stakeholders informed about the Panel's work and the Panel's progress with the review of the Standards.

What does the resource hub do illustration