Education Agents FAQ

Performance reports break down enrolment and visa outcomes for overseas students recruited  through a particular education agency.

On this page:

These outcomes include whether a student went on to:

  • successfully complete their enrolment
  • have their visa application refused or their visa grant cancelled
  • transfer to another provider
  • notify early cessation of their studies
  • have their studies terminated for non-payment of fees or disciplinary reasons
  • be reported for unsatisfactory course progress or course attendance
  • defer or suspend their studies

Education providers can only see reports for their own students recruited through education agencies. Providers will not see information about students from other providers. Report data is based on an education agent being recorded against a student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) by the provider. When analysing the reports, providers should also note that education agents cannot directly control student and visa outcomes.

Education Agents FAQ

This Government initiative, which is the first of its kind in the world, aims to acknowledge the valuable role played by international education agents and will see quality agents recognised for their high standards and levels of service. 

I am a provider; how do I get access to the reports?

Only users with CoE Administrator permissions in PRISMS can access the reports.

CoE Administrator users can request access to the agents reports from their “Change my Details” page in PRISMS. Requesting additional access generates an automatic email to the Registration Signatory Delegate (RSD) for your provider. You will be notified of the approval via email.

I am a provider and I currently do not use agents; do I need to do anything?

If you do not currently use international education agents when recruiting international students, you do not need to take any action.

I am a provider with access to multiple providers, how do I get access to the reports?

CoE Administrator users can request access to the agents reports from their “Change my Details” page in PRISMS. Requesting additional access generates an automatic email to the Registration Signatory Delegate (RSD) for your provider. You will be notified of the approval via email.

Only users with CoE Administrator permissions have access to the reports.

You will need to request the additional access for each provider you have access to.

I am an agent; what data is displayed to providers?

Performance reports break down enrolment and visa outcomes for overseas students recruited through a particular education agency. These outcomes include whether a student went on to: 

  • successfully complete their enrolment
  • have their visa application refused or their visa grant cancelled
  • transfer to another provider
  • notify early cessation of their studies
  • have their studies terminated for non-payment of fees or disciplinary reasons
  • be reported for unsatisfactory course progress or course attendance
  • defer or suspend their studies

Education providers can only see reports for their own students recruited through education agencies. Providers will not see information about students from other providers. Report data is based on an education agent being recorded against a student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) by the provider. When analysing the reports, providers should also note that education agents cannot directly control student and visa outcomes.

I am an agent; do I get to see any of the reports?

At this stage there are no reports for agents, as the majority do not have access to PRISMS. Providers may wish to share the relevant individual reports with their agents.

I am a provider; how do my PRISMS users get access to the reports?

CoE administrator users will be able to request access from their “Change my Details” page in PRISMS to access reports. Here you can apply for additional access. Request additional access generates an automatic email sent to the Registration Signatory Delegate (RSD) for the Provider to authorise the request. You will be notified of the approval via email. Only users with CoE (Administrator) have access to the reports.

I am a provider with agents reports access, how do I run the reports?

Once access is granted you are able to find the reports under the existing “Reports” section within PRISMS. PRISMS users with access type CoE (Administrator) have access to this function. Some of these reports are presented in on screen and can be printed using the browser’s print function.

I am an agent, what does this mean for me?

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment is giving all CRICOS registered education providers access to reports about the performance of education agents they engage to recruit overseas students.

This will help providers make informed business decisions about the education agents they work with. It will result in the vast majority of education agents being recognised for their high quality and the important contribution they make to Australia’s international education sector. In the long term it will help students make informed decisions about education agents.

The department is committed to continuing to improve the transparency and quality of education agents working with education providers, and will work with the sector to ensure unintended consequences do not occur as a result of this data sharing.

What is an incomplete Confirmation of Enrolments (CoE)?

Enrolments are considered “incomplete” when the enrolment record is terminated for the following reasons:

  • the student does not commence their studies *
  • the student notifies cessation of their studies *
  • the student defers or suspends their student enrolment *
  • the student transfers to a course at another provider
  • the provider decides to cease the student enrolment due to non-payment of fees, student no longer holding a student visa or disciplinary reasons
  • there is non-compliance with student visa conditions due to unsatisfactory course progress or unsatisfactory attendance

*For non-commencement, student notifies cessation of studies, and deferment/suspension: terminated enrolment records which have a new enrolment created in the same course at that provider with the same agent involved within 1 day of the initial termination reporting are not included in incompletion.

Where can I get further information?

A downloadable version of the FAQs are available

For more information please see the Education Agents webpage or email