2010 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005

In December 2010, the Australian Government began the first five-year review of the Standards. The Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth, the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research and the Attorney-General, released a discussion paper in February 2011 inviting submissions to the review from all interested people. They received 200 submissions.

On this page:

A Disability Standards for Education Review Team was established in the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The review team held meetings with key stakeholders in all Australian capital cities during February and March 2011. The review team would like to thank the organisations and individuals who took the time to attend stakeholders meetings and provide submissions.

This report, drafted by the review team, presents the outcomes of the consultation and submission process and outlines the key findings against the terms of reference for the review.

Based on the findings, the review team proposed a set of recommendations for the early childhood, schools and tertiary education sectors. In November 2012, the Australian Government released their response to the review team’s recommendations.

Discussion paper

Final Report

Australian Government Response