Information resources for students with disability and their caregivers

The Australian Government worked with Children and Young People with Disability Australia to co-design information resources to help students with disability and their caregivers understand their rights under the Disability Standards for Education 2005.

On this page:


Information resources are available to help you understand:

  • your rights as a student with disability, or the rights of a child with disability.
  • how to work with education providers to make sure you can learn and participate on the same basis as students without disability.

The content of these resources was created by students with disability and their caregivers, based on consultation with a range of disability organisations and education authorities across Australia. These resources were funded by the Australian Government.

What each resource covers

Each resource is available in English, Easy Read and Auslan. There are also versions in 8 languages. Click on the resource title to see these options.

    Helpful resources

    Explaining the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE)

    Milestones and transitions

    Advocating with and for your child: A workbook for parents and carers

    The DSE 2005 in practice: Action plan

    Working together: moving through secondary school

    Respect at School

    Advocating for your child: the early years

    Our stories: personal experiences of students with disability in the education system

    Shareable content for your networks

    Information resources for education providers and educators

    Supporting students with disability: General Information