Vacation care services in NSW, ACT and Victoria get business continuity payments offers

This content was published on Thursday 30 September 2021. There may be more recent updates available.

Providers with vacation care-only services will have received an offer for business continuity payments on 24 September.

Providers have until Thursday 7 October to opt-in. Services have until Friday 22 October to submit the session of care for the holiday period to receive timely payment.

Services that provide vacation care during the school holidays, including Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services, will receive 40% of the vacation care reference fortnight for the school holiday period.

Payment for the school holiday period will be made in late October/early November.

Providers with OSHC services that provide vacation care were not required to complete another business continuity payment offer where they had already opted-in for those services.

OSHC services will continue to receive business continuity payments even when a COVID-19 hotspot ends, until all primary school-aged children are permitted to return to school.

New services

New services of all care types will receive an offer later in the year and will receive retrospective payment for the fortnights they were eligible.

We will work with providers for these services to determine an appropriate reference fortnight.

New services must meet all the eligibility criteria.