Council for International Education

The Council for International Education supports a high quality, innovative and sustainable international education sector.

Council purpose

The Council for International Education was established in 2016 to set the direction for Australia's role in international education and training. The Council supports the implementation of the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030.

Find out about the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030

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Council members

Council membership consists of:

  • Experienced international education experts and practitioners
  • Australian Government Ministers with portfolio responsibilities in international education

Ministerial members

  • The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education (Chair)
  • Senator the Hon Don Farrell MP, Minister for Trade and Tourism and Special Minister of State
  • The Hon Clare O’Neil MP, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Cyber Security
  • The Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs
  • The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, Minister for Skills and Training
  • The Hon Tim Watts MP, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs

Expert members

  • Mr Julian Hill MP – Member for Bruce (Co-Convener)
  • The Hon Phil Honeywood – CEO, International Education Association of Australia (Co-Convener)
  • Professor Michael Wesley – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International), The University of Melbourne
  • Mr Mel Koumides – CEO, Academia International Institute
  • Mr Derek Scott – Principal and CEO, Haileybury
  • Mr Luke Sheehy – CEO, Universities Australia
  • Professor Linda Taylor – Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), Western Sydney University
  • Ms Anouk Darling – CEO, Scape
  • Ms Denise O’Brien – General Manager, TAFE Queensland
  • Ms Jane Johnston – Chief Executive, Study Adelaide
  • Ms Yeganeh Soltanpour, National President, CISA

Communiques from the Council for International Education meetings.

Council for International Education Communiqués

Expert Member Meetings of the Council for International Education Communiqués

Two people talking