Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program

The Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program is a pilot program. Starting in 2024, it will provide scholarships to boarding school students from regional, rural and remote communities in Australia. Scholarships will assist with secondary school boarding fees and associated costs.

What is the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program?

The Australian Government is investing $10.9 million in the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program pilot. This pilot program will offer scholarships to students from regional, rural and remote areas in Australia, to assist with secondary school boarding fees and associated costs.

The Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program is expected to:

  • assist students from rural, regional and remote areas with a contribution towards boarding fees, in order to provide a quality education option where local alternatives may not exist or be suitable;
  • provide additional financial support to families who are unable to afford the full cost of boarding school fees and associated costs even with existing government support, with the intention to reduce families’ financial contribution towards boarding school fees; and
  • provide a supported boarding experience for students and families from low socioeconomic status backgrounds or experiencing financial hardship.

How many scholarships will be available?

Up to 100 scholarships will be available for a pilot round commencing in 2024:

  • 50 scholarships of $20,000 p.a. for up to 6 years, for students from low-income families (Tier 1 scholarships).
  • 50 scholarships of $10,000 p.a. for up to 6 years, for students from low-to-middle income families experiencing financial hardship (Tier 2 scholarships).  

Who will administer scholarships for this program?

The BUSY Group will administer 70 scholarships for the pilot program as part of a national intake.

Cape York Institute and MADALAH Limited will administer the remaining 30 scholarships through established relationships with partner schools.

What are the eligibility and selection criteria for scholarships?

If you are interested in applying for the national intake, please visit the BUSY Group’s website for the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program for details about the eligibility and selection criteria.

Find more information on the BUSY Group’s website – Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program.

All Scholarship Support Organisations administering scholarships for the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program will select scholarship recipients in line with the eligibility and selection criteria in the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program Administrative Program Guidelines (see below).

How can I apply?

Families can apply through the national Scholarship Support Organisation, BUSY Group, with up to 70 scholarships available through this intake.

Details about the scholarship application process and eligibility/selection criteria is available on the BUSY Group website for the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program.

Find more information on the BUSY Group’s website – Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program.

Applicants will need to provide a completed application form and the required supporting documentation by the closing date.

Please contact the BUSY Group for advice on the application process.

Separately, two further Scholarship Support Organisations will allocate up to 30 scholarships to eligible First Nations students. Cape York Institute and MADALAH Limited are working closely with their partner schools to award scholarships to eligible students as part of an established process (in line with the eligibility and selection criteria outlined in the Administrative Program Guidelines).

What do I need to do if I receive an offer?

Scholarship Support Organisations will provide advice on what families need to do if they receive an offer.

Parents/guardians of successful scholarship applicants will be required to enter into a Scholarship Agreement with the relevant Scholarship Support Organisation. This will set out the terms and conditions of the scholarship.

Please contact the relevant Scholarship Support Organisation if you have any questions about your offer.

What are the Administrative Program Guidelines?

The Administrative Program Guidelines outline how Scholarship Support Organisations will administer scholarships for the program, and include information such as:

  • eligibility and selection criteria for scholarships
  • administrative considerations such as:
    • key terms and conditions for scholarship recipients to continue receiving a scholarship
    • guidance on how scholarship payments can be paid
    • information about managing the privacy and personal information of scholarship applicants and recipients.

All Scholarship Support Organisations must administer scholarships in line with these guidelines.

View the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program - Administrative Program Guidelines

Will a further round of scholarships be offered after 2024?

The Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program is a pilot program. The Australian Government will evaluate the program’s outcomes and consider additional places in future years if the program is successful.