New schools program for First Nations students in remote Western Australia

This content was published on Friday 2 February 2024. There may be more recent updates available.

A new program for First Nations students will begin in Term 1, 2024. The Scaling Up Success in Remote Schools Program aims to close the gap in reading and writing across 14 remote schools in Western Australia.

The Australian Government is investing in a range of measures to accelerate progress towards closing the gap between students in attainment of a Year 12 or equivalent qualification. The Government and Western Australian governments are partnering to deliver this program which is one of three programs under the Closing the Gap – Scaling Up Proven Primary Reading Programs measure.

A commitment of $10 million has been made to implement the program over four years in schools with a high proportion of First Nations students. The program focuses on supporting teachers through effective collaboration, implementing evidence-based teaching practices, lifting school attendance, and working in partnership with parents, carers, and the community.

A project team will provide coaching and advice for school leaders and teachers, facilitate community co-design and co-delivery of the program, and advise on learning and teaching materials.

The program will be delivered at schools in the Goldfields and Midwest regions. A list of the participating schools is available on the department’s website.

Learn more about the department’s Schools Measures for Closing the Gap.

Read Minister Clare’s media release.