Consultation on the Accord Interim Report

Date opened
Date closed

On  19 July 2023, the Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education, announced the release of the Australian Universities Accord Panel’s Interim Report.

The Interim Report outlines a vision for the future of higher education. It seeks to build a broad platform for change across higher education in ways that will benefit all Australians.

In addition, the Interim Report proposes five immediate priority actions to address the fundamental challenges currently facing the Australian higher education system.


Between 19 July 2023 and 1 September 2023, the Australian Universities Accord Panel invited stakeholders to make a submission in response to the Interim Report outlining their reflections, areas of agreement and disagreement, and measures of success.

Over 320 written submissions were received across a broad range of stakeholders. The Department of Education and the Panel would like to thank the individuals and organisations who took the time to contribute their ideas to this process.


Where permission was granted to publish responses, these submissions are available below. Please note that where an individual has listed their organisation, the submissions may not represent the organisation's views, and submissions do not represent the views of the Department of Education or the Commonwealth. These submissions are published without any adoption or endorsement by the Department of Education, and without any comment by the Department on the material contained in them.

Some of the submissions are published with parts that are redacted (blacked out). Identifying personal information in submissions has been removed  to protect the privacy of people who may not want their personal information shared. For further information please read the Department's Privacy Policy.

Submission list