Test - A selection of findings from the Selected Higher Education Statistics – 2022 student data.

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Student enrolments decreased by 3.2 per cent from 2021 to 2022 

Figure 1: Domestic and overseas students, 2013 - 2022

Domestic and Overseas Enrolments, 2013-2022

Year Domestic students Overseas students Total students Domestic commencing students Overseas commencing students Commonwealth supported commencing Total commencing students
2013 985374 328402 1313776 390465 147421 289121 537886
2014 1025670 347560 1373230 407522 161542 299942 569064
2015 1046835 363298 1410133 403414 165651 301392 569065
2016 1066073 391136 1457209 411228 183992 305802 595220
2017 1081945 431438 1513383 416371 202713 310665 619084
2018 1082533 479987 1562520 409370 222484 306050 631854
2019 1087850 521948 1609798 408202 237126 302262 645328
2020 1133633 489234 1622867 449695 191540 324658 641235
2021 1162260 440309 1602573 446836 154075 330223 600915
2022 1102757 448642 1551411 400341 193215 296976 593556