Supporting students with disability: General Information

On this page:

Fact Sheets

The following fact sheets were updated and streamlined in 2022. The fact sheets provide general information the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards) for education providers, students and families. The fact sheet on complaints processes provides information on formal complaint mechanisms to address disability discrimination.

Fact Sheet 1: Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Fact Sheet 2: Disability Standards for Education 2005


This fact sheet summarises the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards). It includes the rights and requirements under the Standards.

Fact sheet 2 DSE.pdf

Fact Sheet 3: Making a complaint under the DDA and DSE


This fact sheet provides information for people who wish to make a complaint due to disability discrimination in Australian education settings.

Fact sheet 3 Making a complaint under the DDA and DSE.pdf

A practical guide for individuals, families and communities

The Disability Standards for Education: A practical guide for individuals, families and communities is a resource for parents/carers, children, students, and the community. These resources were developed by the University of Canberra on behalf of the department in 2014.

To find resources for students with disability and their parents and carers, visit the student resources page.

To find resources for educators and education providers, visit the educator resources page.