Advanced Apprenticeships (Industry 4.0) pilot

The Australian Government is currently trialling different Advanced Apprenticeships pilots and programs which test new models of collaboration between industry, government, and universities.

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The $7.2 million Advanced Apprenticeships (Industry 4.0) pilot targets small to medium sized businesses in key manufacturing areas. It aims to upskill, retrain, and reskill their employees to enhance their capabilities in the workplace and provides them with free and open access to advanced tools and facilities to improve their skills in Industry 4.0 technologies.

Students participating in Advanced Apprenticeship (Industry 4.0) pilots can enrol in a range of qualification types within an applied technology Industry 4.0 pathway, including Diplomas and Associate Degrees. The flexible pilot design accommodates less than full-time study loads to allow students to balance work and study where required.

There are currently seven universities participating in the Advanced Apprenticeships (Industry 4.0) pilot.

Charles Darwin University, in partnership with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, is delivering a Higher Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing and establishing an Industry 4.0 Testlab in defence industries and aerospace. Course content will focus on aviation and aerospace engineering and will include strong engagement with small and medium enterprises. The student experience will be further enhanced by access to advanced manufacturing opportunities provided by the Testlab.

Swinburne University of Technology is delivering an Associate Degree of Applied Technologies (Advanced Manufacturing). This course will teach students cutting-edge technical engineering, project management, innovation, problem-solving and facilitation skills, equipping them to develop solutions to real-word problems based on industry related projects.

University of Technology Sydney is delivering an Associate Degree of Advanced Manufacturing. The Associate Degree has been developed to provide students with a unique insight into the latest Industry 4.0 and advanced manufacturing technologies and practices. 

The University of Tasmania is delivering a Diploma in Applied Technologies. Students will develop skills and knowledge in areas such as computer networks, electrical circuits and systems, sensors, robotics, data, and statistics. The content of the course includes 2D and 3D CAD, programming principles, electrical circuits, concepts of Industry 4.0 driven fabrication, computer network construction, data analytics, digital control systems and sustainability.

RMIT University is delivering an Associate Degree in Digital Technologies (Advanced Manufacturing). Students will learn through a blend of practical experience with electrical, electronics and mechanical control applications built on a strong theoretical foundation. Students will also gain capabilities in the configuration, testing, assembly, installation and maintenance of electrical and automation control systems and networks.

The University of Western Australia is delivering an Associate Degree in Engineering (Industry 4.0) ensuring graduates are ready to tackle the global challenges through engineering innovation. The course content will emphasise authentic work-integrated learning experiences and assessments. The course aims to demonstrate the ability of work-integrated learning to build skills and capacity in the local manufacturing value chains.

The University of South Australia is delivering an Associate Degree in Engineering (Industry 4.0), giving students the skills and tools they need to participate in a highly technological future workforce. Course content will be centred around future skills and applications, using the University of South Australia’s unique campuses and services including original equipment manufacturing facilities.